these were meant to be like the ones I saw in Jen's wonderful blog Use real butter...
erm,...I had a few (just a few????) problems during the preparation...
it was my first try, hope next time my truffles are gonna be better than these :(
original recipe: yelds 90 truffles
1 pound good quality dark chocolate
1 cup heavy cream
2-4 tbsps Grand Marnier (optional, to taste)
I made a third of the original recipe, [but got around 17 truffles...(???)]
150 g dark chocolate
75 g heavy cream
1 tbsps rum (I don't have any Grand Marnier)
(my comments in brackets/yellow coloured)
1. Fine chop the chocolate and place in a medium bowl. (here is where problems begin! chocolate wasn't chopped fine enough! I had then to put everything en bain marie, to allow chocolate to melt properly)
2. Heat the cream until it begins to boil. Remove from heat and pour the cream over the chocolate. Let sit for a minute (make sure all chocolate is covered by the cream).

3. Stir the chocolate and cream together until velvety and smooth. Stir in Grand Marnier. Let the ganache cool until solid.

4. (day nb 2) Scoop out teaspoon-size balls of ganache and roll into a ball.
5. Roll in cocoa powder, powdered sugar, nuts, crushed candy, or enrobe in tempered chocolate (if enrobing, you will want a pound of chocolate for the tempering and double enrobing may be necessary if cracking occurs on the first shell).

I also had a lot of troubles with chocolate, above all I found it particularly hard to melt and temper it. The causes may be connected with:
- low quality chocolate
- inexperience of the confectioner (and guess who's this????)
- leaving too long chocolate en bain marie
some truffles melted while I was trying to enrobe them... >:(
result: they are not very well rolled at all >:(
anyway...maybe what I need is just a little bit of practice... (let's hope so...)

traduzione in arrivo :) ........
11 commenti:
don't worry they look very nice ancd tempting !
Si, si aspetto la traduzione...non ci capisco molto, io!
dalle foto però sembrano spaziali...
Buon Natale carissima!!!!
Auguri a tutta la famiglia!
Mamma mia.. acquolina in bocca... aspetto trepidante la traduzione.. anzi me la "traducicchio" da sola perchè è veramente splendida!
Un caro augurio per un sereno Natale!
Buonissimo Natale e buone feste Sere!!! un bacione!!!
Avrai pure avuto i tuoi problemi, ma a me sembrano assolutamente deliziosi! E che fotografie eccezionali!
tentar non vuoce infatti sono magnifici, ciao
A me paiono comunque bellissimi!!! E se, a differenza di me, non ti lascerai soraggiare dagli insuccessi e ci riproverai, ti verranno ancora meglio!
Serena, dove sei??????????????
Sei sparita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vorrei augurarti buon futuro, ma tu non ti fai più vedere!!!!
Un abbraccio grandissimo!
Boniiiiii !! Tanti auguri per un felice 2009 !! Lisa
nun c'ho capito un tubo...però devono essere una meraviglia!!!
visto che ce l'ho fatta????
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