these muffins are just.....................there are just no words to describe them properly................. and what's more, they are very, very, very, very EASY!!! and it will take you just half a hour (let's say) to prepare and bake them..............
io li ho fatti metà come da ricetta...e metà al cioccolato...
I prepared 4 following the recipe instructions, and 4 adding some chocolate to the batter...
per 9 muffin, ingredienti:
ingredients, recipe makes 9 muffins (I got 8, 'cause I like them big size)
2 uova
110 gr di burro morbido
110 gr di zucchero
140 gr di farina
2 cucchiaini di lievito x dolci
1 bustina vanillina
gocce di cioccolato
2 eggs
110 g of soft (I would suggest you do not MELT it...just let it rest a couple of hours at room temperature) (3.9 oz)
110 g (3.9 oz) of white sugar
140 g (4.9 oz) of flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
some vanilla aroma
chocolate chips, melted chocolate or cocoa powder...as you like...
mettere tutti gli ingredienti nel mixer
i put all the ingredients together (but the chocolate chips) into a food processor
e far andare le lame fino ad amalgamarli bene
and blended them well for a few minutes, till I got a perfect batter without lumps
versare il composto negli stampini imburrati e infarinati
I put the batter into the moulds (which should be buttered and powdered with flour in advance)
(io ne ho usati 8)
I prepared 8 muffins
su 4 ho messo gocce di cioccolato
on the top of 4 of them I set let's say a tablespoon of chocolate chips
cuocere a 180°C per 15 minuti circa...
bake at 180°C (356°F) for 15-20 minutes (it depends on your oven...)
lasciar freddare...
eventually once they are done let them cool and.........
bite them!
6 commenti:
hi, nice blog. the picture looks so yummy! i love baking too. and would want to try out your recipes. problem is, i don't understand the language. :)
mmm...che buoni quelli al cioccolato!!! ne vorrei assaggiare uno!
era ora che ti dessi da fare sul tuo blog......(senti chi parla)ihihih
to Of colors and styles: Hi Of colors and styles! what if I translate the recipes into English?? so you would be able to try some recipes if you want to... ;)
I'm glad you've liked the blog...actually it's still very..."young"...I'll try to keep it up-to-date...and to improve it...
per thea: ciao the'!!!!!!!!!!! sicuramente sempre meglio il tuo che il mio.......
ma c'hai il pc anche a venezia??
baci a presto (spero!!)
per babi: grazie babi...sì...quelli al ciocco erano anche I MIEI preferiti :-P .......
te ne manderei volentieri anche due.... non fosse che a quest'ora sono........un po' digeriti ihihihi
Hello Sere!!
These muffins are wonderful! I will try them!
Good idea this to speak also in English!
kisses and good evening!!
baciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;-*
hi dearest Sara!!!!
thank you :-*
it's kind of you to come and visit me...ehm...my blog, I mean, ihihih...
you HAVE TO try them!!!!
kisses ;-*
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