martedì, maggio 13

Good Idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

someone wrote they would like to try some recipes, they had a problem in understanding the language, though...

So...I've thought it would be nice to translate my recipes into an international language...English, of course!...

And since I'm studying at the Universiy for interpreters and translators in Forlì...this also gives me the chance to do some exercise :) even though in an "unusual" field :) will have to forgive my grammar/ spelling mistakes... and all the other kinds of mistakes I AM going to make...

I hope this will be helpful to someone...and I hope this way you will be able to try some of my recipes...

Please...tell me if my translations are still uncomprehensible!!!! In case I am going to ask someone for some help...

and...oh yes, I have also tried to convert measurements (grams=>ounces) and oven temperatures (°C => °F)... though I am not 100% sure they are right...

I accept any further suggestion from you......

have a! :)

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